Results for 'Fidelis A. Bonaventura'

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  1.  61
    In defense of afro-japanese ethnophilosophy.Fidelis U. Okafor - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (3):363-381.
    Ethnophilosophy is so called because its focus is on the thought that underlies the life patterns and belief system of a people. It is folk philosophy insofar as it is an exposition of the philosophical thought undergirding the way of life of a people as a collectivity. African and Japanese philosophy belong to this tradition. Western philosophy, however, is based on reason and logic; in contrast with ethnophilosophy, it developed ab initio as a critique of folk thought and worldviews. Both (...)
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    Pakikipagkapwa-tao as a mode of inter-religious dialogue in the contemporary Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic.Fides del Castillo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The study brought to the fore the issue of acute hunger and food insecurity in Philippine society during the COVID-19 pandemic. It utilised Filipino culture and the Catholic Church’s fidei depositum as a framework to unravel the forms of inter-religious dialogue in the country. The study was qualitative research that used a case study as it analysed inter-religious dialogue, particularly the dialogue of life and action among Filipinos during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. In the Philippine context, dialogue takes the (...)
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  3. A política de cotas nas universidades públicas brasileiras.Marcyo Keveny de Lima Freitas Fides & Patrícia Borba Vilar Guimarães - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    The Place of Music in a Franciscan Vocation and Apostolate.Fidelis Smith - 1959 - Franciscan Studies 19 (1-2):150-168.
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    The intertwined nature of peace and war.Bonaventura Majolo - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e17.
    Glowacki discusses how humans regularly face collective action problems that may result in either peaceful or aggressive between-group interactions. Peace and war probably coevolved in humans. Using a gene–culture evolutionary framework is a powerful way to analyse why, when, and how humans have the capacity to build and maintain long-term peaceful interactions between groups and also to wage deadly wars.
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    Tommaso Radini Tedeschi: Orazione contro Filippo Melantone. Testo, traduzione e commento a cura di Flaminio Ghizzoni. Saggio introduttivo di Giuseppe Berti. (Storia del Cristianesimo, 3), Paideia Editrice Brescia 1973, 243 pp. [REVIEW]Bonaventura Dickers - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (3):284-285.
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    What is spatial planning saying? A conceptual and methodological framework to assess the institutionalization of nature using critical discourse analysis.Rúben Mendes, Teresa Fidélis, Peter Roebling, Filipe Teles & Michael Farrelly - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (3):274-292.
    Spatial planning policies are fundamental blocks for the implementation of sustainable development goals. Still, despite the growing adoption of environmental proxies, as it is nature-based solutions, the study of their institutionalization in policy and spatial planning is in the early stages. Simultaneously, the use of discursive and interpretative methods to unfold the social structures related to environmental issues is growing, nonetheless, their application is more common to supranational narratives. This article proposes a conceptual and methodological approach to using critical discourse (...)
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  8. Morality and personalism-a socio functional perspective on conflict of governance and politics in nigeria.AghameEu Fidelis Chuka - 2006 - In Ike Odimegwu (ed.), Philosophy and Africa. Awka, Nigeria: Department of Philosophy.
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    Mediação da informação e ação comunicativa Habermasiana.Marli Batista Fidelis & Henriette Ferreira Gomes - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (1):91-111.
    Reflete sobre o potencial da mediação da informação como via de fortalecimento para o mundo social da vida ante ao processo colonizador do mundo dos sistemas, considerando as atuais demandas sociais em âmbito informacional. A Ciência da Informação é cada vez mais convidada a encontrar caminhos para refletir sobre seu objeto como motor do desenvolvimento cultural e fortalecimento do mundo social da vida, de maneira a reafirmar seu lugar enquanto ciência social. Desse modo, a mediação da informação, estando presente em (...)
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  10. A comparative study of St. Thomas and Herbert Spencer.Mary Fides Shepperson - 1923 - Pittsburgh, Pa.: [S.N.].
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  11. Oculata fide: note d'exégèse à propos de Summae theologiae IIIa, q 55, a 2, ad 1.A. Patfoort - 1995 - Revue Thomiste 95 (4):672-677.
  12. Aproximación a la''Fides et Ratio''desde el relieve filosófico.A. Sonseca Hernández - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (223):437-448.
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  13. Comentarios a la carta encíclica "Fides et ratio".A. D. Moratalla - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 43:95-104.
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  14. The reason of a believer and philosophy in John Paul II's encyclical'Fides et ratio'.A. Ghisalberti - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (3):491-496.
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  15. Proposing a revival of the ontological argument (Reprinted from'Pro fide et iustitia', pp 641-656, 1984).A. Bausola - 2000 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 92 (2):349-362.
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    Ratio et fides: a preliminary intro-duction to philosophy for theology.Robert E. Wood - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Jude P. Dougherty.
    In the face of growing skepticism and relativism, “believe in reason” is the central message in Pope John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio. Only by the two wings of reason and faith together can the human spirit soar. The current work, Ratio et Fides, is its philosophical counterpart. It is not a watered-down introduction but a “leading-into” the heart of philosophic thinking. Firmly rooted in the phenomenological description of an ordinary artifact, a mailbox, the book uses the principles involved in (...)
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  17. Sapiential dimension of philosophy a reading of fides et ratio from the perspective of St. Bonaventure.A. -P. Barrajon - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (3):363-375.
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  18. Whitehead's pointfree geometry and diametric posets.Giangiacomo Gerla & Bonaventura Paolillo - 2010 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 19 (4):289-308.
    This note is motivated by Whitehead’s researches in inclusion-based point-free geometry as exposed in An Inquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge and in The concept of Nature. More precisely, we observe that Whitehead’s definition of point, based on the notions of abstractive class and covering, is not adequate. Indeed, if we admit such a definition it is also questionable that a point exists. On the contrary our approach, in which the diameter is a further primitive, enables us to avoid (...)
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    Newman's Theses de Fide: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary.C. Michael Shea & Robert J. Porwoll - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (1):16-45.
    John Henry Newman wrote the “Theses de Fide” in Rome as a seminary student in 1846/1847, and the text represents a key point in the development of his thought. Newman wrote the “Theses” in an attempt to grapple with scholastic categories on faith, a question that had occupied him in the Anglican Church for years. Although the “Theses” were not published in Newman’s life, he returned to these reflections often over the course of his Roman Catholic career. This edition and (...)
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    S. Bonaventura, Itinerario della mente in Dio. [REVIEW]A. Lombardi - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):159-159.
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  21. The'itinerarum'of bonaventura as ontological hermeneutics.A. Pieretti - 1987 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 79 (2):313-320.
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    Johannes Gerson und Bonaventura: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität zwischen Hoch- und Spätmittelalter.Martin Pickavé & Jan A. Aertsen - 2004 - In Martin Pickavé & Jan A. Aertsen (eds.), "Herbst des Mittelalters?" Fragen zur Bewertung des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Walter de Gruyter.
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  23. La filosofia nella Fides et ratio: Un'analisi epistemologica.A. Livi - 1999 - Divus Thomas 102 (3):133-164.
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  24. S. Bonaventura e P. Gioberti.Umberto A. Padovani - 1948 - Giornale di Metafisica 3 (5/6):509.
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  25. Langage et humanité dans la philosophie contemporaine.Mouchili Njimom, Issoufou Soulé, Fidèle Mviadamba Mindjeme & Liboire Molo Atangana (eds.) - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Du langage et de l'humanité, tels sont les concepts clés qui structurent la problématique et le contenu des textes présents dans cet ouvrage.Pour mener un raisonnement en philosophie, la structure du langage obéit à un ensemble de principes dont la mise en application rigoureuse débouche sur la validité et la pertinence de ce qui y est dit. Pour cela, quand on parle d'humain en philosophie, le discours qui véhicule ce qui se dit n'a de valeur objective qu'en fonction de la (...)
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    Schwarz, Reinhard, Fides, Spes und Caritas beim jungen Luther unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittelalterlichen Tradition. [REVIEW]A. Zumkeller - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):183-186.
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  27. Doctor Seraphicus, Vier Studies over de H. Bonaventura.V. M. Breton, A. Epping, B. Van Leeuwen & N. Sanders - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (1):123-124.
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  28. Saint Anselme de Cantorbery, Fides quaerens intellectum, id est proslogion, liber Gaunilonis pro insipiente, atque liber apologeticus contra Gaunilonem; collection « Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques ».A. Koyré - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (1):97-97.
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  29. 7. Beyond Fideism and Antirationalism: Some Reflections on Fides et ratio.Michael A. Smith - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (4).
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  30. What part of Fides Quaerens don’t you Intellectum ? On the Persistent Philosophical Misunderstanding of Anselm’s Ontological Argument.Derek A. Michaud - manuscript
    A *very* rough draft of a paper on Anselm's "ontological argument" in which I argue that the argument in the Proslogion rests on a robust notion of having "that then which nothing greater can be thought" in one's mind.
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    A philosophy of devotion: a comparative study of bhakti and prapatti in Viśiṣṭādvaita and St. Bonaventura and Gabriel Marcel.John C. Plott - 1974 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
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    A Hermeneutical Evaluation of Luther’s Sola fide and its relevance to the Doctrine of Salvation in The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Southwest Zone.Olufemi Nicolas Whesin - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 8 (2):1-14.
    Purpose: The study evaluates Luther’s theory of sola fide and its relevance to the doctrine of salvation in The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Southwest Zone. The doctrine of sola fide typically entails the notion that salvation is through faith only. Unfortunately, in contemporary times, the concept of salvation has suffered much misunderstanding. It has been a subject of much controversy characterised with so much variations and confusion of thoughts in its art of teaching. Materials and Methods: Employing the tool of hermeneutics (...)
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    Germ-Line Engineering: A Few European Voices.A. Mauron & J. -M. Thevoz - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (6):649-666.
    We have surveyed various recent European opinions on Germ-Line engineering. The majority express more or less severe reservations about any interventions on the human Germ-Line, including therapeutic ones. However, they are divided over the pragmatic, or categorical-ethical nature of the relevant arguments. This split reflects two competing views of technology. The ‘pessimistic’ one is deeply concerned by the slippery slope leading from bona fide therapeutic applications of genetic engineering to eugenic practices. It insists that, if anything can defend us against (...)
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  34. Ritorno a Dio. Bonaventura e Von Hildebrand.Elisa Grimi - 2020 - Vivens Homo 2 (31):315-326.
    This paper, written in honor of the “800 years from the birth of Bonaventure”, underlines the affinity of the philosophy and the theology of Bonaventure, General Ministry of the Franciscan Order, with the perspective of Dietrich von Hildebrand, father of the realist phaenomenology. It is delineated a curious correlation between the two authors that have been able to generate a real revolution of love. The epistemic structure and the ontology of Bonaventure are caracterized by a structural unity that through an (...)
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  35. Sister Mary William Miller: Rufini Presbyteri Liber de Fide. A Critical Text and Translation with Introduction and Commentary. (Patristic Studies, xcvi.) Pp. xxii+204. Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1964. Paper, $ 3.50. [REVIEW]S. L. Greenslade - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (3):414-414.
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    Myths and Narratives Claude Calame (ed.): Métamorphoses du mythe en Grèce antique. (Religions en Perspective, 4.) Pp. 247. Geneva: Éditions Labor et Fides, 1988. Paper. [REVIEW]R. G. A. Buxton - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):324-326.
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    A critique of the new atheism in light of John Paul II’s fides et ratio.Edmon Marquez - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    San Bonaventura, La sapienza cristiana. Collationes in Hexaëmeron a cura di Vincenzo Cherubino Bigi. Editoriale di Inos Biffi.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (62):263-264.
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    Fildes e ratio.A. Russo - 1999 - Notizie Ups 16:21--21.
    Recensione ad un volume collettaneo sulla Fides et ratio.
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    Nuclear/growth factors.A. Prochiantz & L. Théodore - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):39-44.
    The now classical model for cell‐cell communication espouses that information travels between cells in the form of molecules that bind specific cell‐surface receptors and trigger signal‐transducing mechanisms that eventually lead to transcriptional modifications. Here we gather the available information suggesting that some growth factors may also act by interfering directly with gene transcription, following their internalization and nuclear translocation. Among these factors are bona fide growth factors such as Fibroblast Growth Factor‐1 and ‐2 and Schwannoma Derived Growth Factor, for which (...)
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  41. Giordano Bruno and Bonaventura Cavalieri's theories of indivisibles: a case of shared knowledge.Paolo Rossini - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (4):461-476.
    At the turn of the seventeenth century, Bruno and Cavalieri independently developed two theories, central to which was the concept of the geometrical indivisible. The introduction of indivisibles had significant implications for geometry – especially in the case of Cavalieri, for whom indivisibles provided a forerunner of the calculus. But how did this event occur? What can we learn from the fact that two theories of indivisibles arose at about the same time? These are the questions addressed in this paper. (...)
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  42. Aproximación a la Fides et Ratio» desde el relieve filosófico de nuestro siglo.Antonio Hernandez-Sonseca - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (223):437-448.
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    "Fides et ratio", nº1 ¿Cuál es el texto correcto?Miroslaw Karol - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (65):689-696.
    Number 1 of Fides et ratio contains a phrase crucial for the dialogue between science and philosophy. Its meaning is clear in the Latin, polish, English, German, French and Portuguese versions, but it loses its strength in the Italian and Spanish texts.
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    A Richness Diluted in Translation: An Analysis of Pope John Paul II’s Notion of “Knowing” in the “Introduction” to Fides et Ratio.Bogumil Misiuk - 2012 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 86:171-183.
    Pope John Paul II’s encyclical letter Fides et Ratio examines the foundations of epistemology and encourages a renewed discourse on what it actually means to know truth. The pontiff—both a philosopher and a theologian—reevaluates through the prism of man’s proper relation to truth the age-old question about the compatibility of faith and reason as means of acquiring knowledge. John Paul offers his perspective on the matter in the “Introduction” to Fides et Ratio by employing, in his native Polish, four non-exchangeable (...)
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    Comprehension at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology.Claus A. Andersen - 2018 - Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (1):39-93.
    Duns Scotus and Aquinas agree that whereas God comprehends Himself or even is his own comprehension, no creature can ever comprehend God. In the 17th century, the two Scotists Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto discuss comprehension in their manual of philosophical psychology. Although they attempt to articulate a genuine Scotist doctrine on the subject, this article shows that they in fact defend a stance close to the one endorsed by contemporary scholastics outside the Scotist school. The article situates their (...)
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    (2 other versions)De fragmenti Suetoniani de Grammaticis et Rhetoribus codicum nexu et fide. By Rodney Potter Robinson (University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, V. 4; November, 1920). Large 8vo. Pp. 195. 1922. Paper, $2. [REVIEW]A. D. Nock - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (3-4):90-90.
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  47. A preliminary reflection on Fides et Ratio and the evangelization of the East in the 21st century.Alfredo P. Co - 2022 - In Joel C. Sagut & Alfredo P. Co (eds.), Faith and reason in the Catholic intellectual tradition. España, Manila, Philippines: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House.
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  48. Doctor Martinus. Studi sulla Riforma.A. Russo - 2015 - Cristianesimo Nella Storia 2015 (2):701--707.
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    The Figurae of Joachim of Fiore. [REVIEW]A. C. D. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):622-622.
    Although Joachim of Fiore created a rather intriguing theology of history along with a primitive theory of hermeneutics, his importance for the historian of philosophy is most likely to be in his reaction to the trinitarian doctrine of Peter Lombard and in his influence on Bonaventura. Joachim invokes what he calls a spiritualis intellectus against the teaching of Peter Lombard. This spiritualis intellectus "includes both the preparation of arduous study and the experience of mystical illumination. It includes, thirdly, the (...)
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  50. Towards a formulation of the curriculum of philosophical studies-In the light of'Sapientia Christiana','Fides et Ratio', and general norms following the Apostolic visitation of ecclesiastical faculties, seminaries and houses of priestly formation in India.V. Machado - 2002 - Journal of Dharma 27 (4):526-553.
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